Niccolina Coramae

The hope here is to create a home for pictures, news, milestones and memories for our little treasure, baby Niccolina!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Play Ball!

Nina has successfully cheered Boston's finest to a 7-4 start to the young season. Not sure who her favorite player is quite yet, but time will tell. And of course, today was Nina's 7 MONTH birthday!! One of her many new skills is multi-tasking with toys:

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

New Casa

We are mostly settled in to our new abode, and Nina has adjusted nicely - she had no trouble sleeping through the night the first day, even with all the new weird shadows in her room! She now weighs in over 16 pounds and can sit up without support for a long time. Here are a few pics of Nina relaxing in her new digs...