Niccolina Coramae

The hope here is to create a home for pictures, news, milestones and memories for our little treasure, baby Niccolina!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Greetings from May

Summer's in full swing now, as we hit 90 this weekend for the first time this year. But we had such a good time in May, it's time to pass along some of those pictures as well! Niccolina is pushing 21 months old in less than 10 days! She has a great little personality and keeps us busy all day...

Here's Nina testing out the goods at Albany's Tulip Fest on Mother's Day.

And posing next to Mom's balloon to celebrate the occasion.

At the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, Nina checked out the news about the new baby elephant!

And what would a summer BBQ be without some watermelon?

Here Nina stretches out the legs after a beautiful evening picnic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are lovely, but we need new Nina pictures!! :)

10:44 PM  

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